Chances are if you are reading this you have have either stumbled across this blog by mistake or via a link you found somewhere floating around on the web.

Either way, you have my deepest sympathy.

This blog was originally set up for my daydreams and a vent for my ability to think about utter rubbish. This mixed with waffling equalled this blog.

Oh and apologies for the awful use of English when I write, no doubt my poor grasp of my mother tongue will be apparent for all to see.

Kisses and Hugs x

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Lent a.k.a 40+ days of torture....

"Repent thine sins and look unto God to be redeemed!" thanks I'll pass.


    Now before I go any further I'll clarify a few things, though not being a firm believer in Jebus and The Big Man, up until recently I was kinda religious. Not go to Church and confess my many sins followed by saying hail Mary with my rosaries butttt I did have some faith......did

Though I haven't entered the realms of saying..

"This reality is all a dream and we're flying around on a space turtle called Justin"

 just yet....

   I still like to think there is something after we snuff it BUT a great bearded fellow who is going to tell me when I die that I've been bad is kinda far-fetched in my opinion...and sending your only son to the earth to die? seriously call child services!

   So sadly nowadays the only imaginary big bearded man I'm going to believe in is Santa.....and he still owes me a Lego pirate ship from when I was 7!

  Simply put I'm not really a Christian any more but one of the Christian observances I'll still undertake is Lent. Not for the religious part but more of a test of my own resolve and will power. So again this year I'll take the majority of my vices out of my daily life, nowt to do with a bearded fellow walking through the desert for 40 days but purely as mental test for my own 'needs'....not those type of needs you pervert.

   Normally it's only one thing you give up for Lent but his year I've decided to give up a lot of things.....and as I'm typing this, I'm already saying "......shit, why Dan why?" and now regret my earlier binge...
Pre-Lent gluttony at it's best

   So for 40+ days I shall say goodbye to Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffeine, Crisps, Chocolate and Junk Food.

Dear God Santa this is going to be tough...

Tuesday 16 August 2011

The thing at the door, my childhood ghost story

Ghosts, generally a thing of ridicule and at present I'm a sceptic, sadly it seems that along with my faith in God (I know right, me, religious?) my spiritualism has also left me.

However, when I was kid I was always plagued by stuff going bump in the night and no I don't mean hearing the neighbours 'at it'.

It started at the time I had first came to England, fresh off the plane and still spoke with an american accent (I said mommy back then) we had our first house and it was the terraced thing built in the 60s or something not run down or anything but 'average' I can only describe it as 'average', the kind of house that is the direct opposite of something that could be described as haunted. .

So it began,
It was always at night when I heard/saw things, nothing major just the usual horror film shadow passing by my shut door, hearing things moving in my room (toys believe it or not, especially Lego and I think my cars. Mainly what was left on my floor) I kept telling my mum that someone was in my room with me and playing with my toys and I wanted to change rooms!

So I did.
To the room opposite it..

Seems that I thought moving rooms would end the spookiness, Oh how young, chubby and naive I was.
 Even after moving bedrooms I still always had that feeling of not being alone in my room, not an aggressive feeling just one of knowing I wasn't alone and as a small kid it was extremely unnerving BUT not upsetting I was always in a "What the actual f**k was that?" mode but small child version which for me would have been "Ewoks are awesome!!! . . what was that noise?" and this carried on for a while until one night..

If you have ever watched the Sixth Sense you'll be familiar with the theme that ghosts/spirits etc appear when the temperature drops but for me it was the opposite. Some time in the hours of an autumn night/early morning I awoke sweating and couldn't get comfortable, so throwing off my covers I flopped around like a fish that had just been caught in a net trying to find the elusive cold spot of the bed. I was only a small nipper so my view of the door has been blocked by my chest of drawers but as I sat up in a huff that I couldn't settle. .  I saw this...

Excuse my poor use of paint but hopefully you'll get the gist of what i'm on about

What I saw can be simply described as a shadowy black outline of a child, it stood just shy of half way up the door frame and wasn't moving at all, the light behind it didn't give it a glow or anything and I couldn't see his/her features at all but my instincts were yelling at me that it was a fellow child.

It was the early hours my mum was asleep, no sounds in the house and all I can see is an unknown person in the shadows and moonlight and to this day that moment has been the ONLY time i've felt complete and utter terror, pure terror. 

What do you do as a child when you;re afraid? that's right, hide in the covers. I led there like nothing had happened in the sweat box of thick covers and pyjamas and when I thought 'it' had gone I commando crawled down to the middle of my bed and lifted up my cover..

Still there. . not moving, not making a sound, I was petrified.

Now I don't know if anyone has had that feeling but when fear grips you it's impossible to do anything. I couldn't cry out to my mum and every time I did it was a weak and pitiful "mu....m, mu...m" and I barely made a sound, this went on for 5/10 minutes and I couldn't make enough noise to make an audible noise but I think terror became fear and I started crying out and banging on my wall until my bedroom light came on and the shadow had gone.

Now as I said i'm a major sceptic when it comes to ghosts and hauntings and I think spirit mediums need a good punch in the f*cking face for playing on peoples emotions but I saw something as a child and it wasn't my imagination as i've got older I thought ah probably my ADHD playing tricks on me but I thought about it and I had toys and friends as a child why the hell would I make an imaginary friend up that terrified me?

or simply put

"who you gonna call?"

Saturday 13 August 2011

New Blog Banner/Title. . thing

Is right above these words hopefully. . unless this is being read in a few months when it'll be slapped in the archives and all you'll able to read above it is shame and guilt x

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Google+ and the Temple of Doom

       It's been a while since I have put virtual ink to virtual paper but I've just been overwhelmed with exam stress, moving all over the place and now primarily sitting on the couch watching day time telly. .and not through choice mind you.
        I love working and more importantly earning money for steak and eggs (read as crisps and biscuits) Sadly however, the only work in my area is miles away annnd I don't drive and don't have a license (I also have a slight phobia of driving but that's for another blog) so yeah, daytime telly whilst laying on the couch eating Pringles - like a boss it is. .


       Been neglecting the blog so I thought "why not update the blog pal?" . . I don't address myself as 'pal' by the way. . I call myself Captain HappyFace. . .I don't.  .or do I?

So Google+ is in Beta and this morning I set up my page got bored didn't really explore it and went on Facebook, will this overtake Facebook and crush it's domination or will it be like Myspace and Bebo (yeah I forgot about Bebo until this morning) and simply fade away into the background?

. . .I really forgot about Bebo, was there any more that simply died? Faceparty? PartyFace?. . .meh

Where did I put my biscuits...

Saturday 21 May 2011

"Sugar You make my soul complete. Rapture tastes so sweet"


Yeaaaaah? Shall we put a bet on that mate?

So all I'm hearing today is Rapture this Rapture that, Rapture will destroy your evil cat blah blah blah

    Here is my opinion on this whole Rapture and religion stuff.  Firstly Don't take this the wrong way, If you believe in Jesus and God then don't take this as a personal insult, despite my tone and my beliefs I would never belittle anyone for their faith or general beliefs.

     My personal opinion on the religion of Christianity is this. Simply put, there is no God, no over-sized bearded man with a white robe high in his fortress of heaven.
    There may have been a Jesus but as historians have all pointed out this Jesus character was a rebel leader trying to incite violence against the Roman occupied Judea. Trying and thus failing to do so he was captured and was executed for doing so . . I can rant on about history tones down the hype of  the bible for hours so will stop now :P
     And this whole Rapture nonsense, seriously? some nutter predicts the end of the world and a load of people believe it??

          "I predict that someone will bring me a large mocha and a chocolate chip cupcake!!!"

Yeh this won't happen either...

     My belief and feel free to mock or question me for this. We [Humanity] are merely a species of creature native to our world (unless you're really into Stargate). There are countless millions of lifeforms in this universe whether we know what some of them are already is a mystery but I do believe that one mysterious deity did  not create everything.

Oh and if the fanatical Christians start ascending into heaven any time soon. . well. . . I'll start rummaging for that old crucifix I have some where.

Peace and love and may Poseidon bless you x

Wednesday 18 May 2011

That Friday Feeling. . wait it's Wednesday? (or to Meh and back again by Bilbo Baggins)

Why hello there, been working out? ;)

   Hey all, haven't really wrote on this blog for a while as I have been snowed under with coursework/applications/telling the CIA where Bin Laden was/punching Jesus. .

   But yeh it's week 12 of the 2nd and final semester, rejoice as it's the last teaching week of the academic year for me! win dance?!

No win dance for you oh apathetic one...
    I really wish I was in a song and dance mood and it's weird but i've just gone meh.
Meh is the feeling of 'yeah and? so what?' and 'pffft to that'.
Meh is a creature that lurks deep within the halls of apathy, waiting like a devious little goblin to suddenly strike when all the fun and excitement has been drained from it's victim!


   Simply put, think i've worn myself down due to all the stress from my workload/personal stuff/and trying to get 80%+ fit again. The major signs being i'm now enjoying watching football (kicky football) and playing Fifa. . and everyone that knows me, knows I can't stand


. . .I'm even thinking about playing kickyfootball in the off season before Rugby comes back into my life! (sweet delicate gentle Rugby)

   Now this really isn't a big thing for a 'lads lad' but i'm not a 'lads lad' in the slightest, I thought Torres was a  type of tree! (blog about this issue coming later)

    Seems my way of relaxing is doing things I don't normally do. How do you fight the Meh and get it's claws out of you, I normally go for a run but looking at the weather. .

.... it's a bit meh...

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Royally give a toss?

Right, so anyone else really not that bothered about the upcoming wedding?

    I love really like this idea of witnessing history and i'm not slagging the event off at all, it's just all this damned hype. .

    Don't get me wrong, I would class myself as a history buff and I personally like the fact that we still have a traditional monarchy with a line of Kings and Queens which can be traced back to 1066 but just this notion of a Kate and Wills film/tattoos/stickers/Dracula attending the wedding/bullsh*t that I can't stomach!

      To quote a taxi driver I had the other day (had as in used his services. . not slept with 'had'. . wait. . 'used his services' sounds sexual too. . ah forget it)  
"Royally give a f**k!"

   ...And I thought my 'meh' attitude was bad but literally everyone I talk to is more excited but the idea of having a four day weekend rather than enjoying the actual event. .  well everyone except my mum who is more interested in seeing the wedding dress rather than the event itself. Is that a Mum thing or a lady thing in general?
      The only excitement i'm hearing is off people from abroad who think it's one big fantasy story and sooo Romantic etc. Sadly there are no dragons or sorcerers in England, just angry newts and Dungeons and Dragons players...

Anyways, Hope everyone enjoyed their Easter and is having or joining in with an event for the big wedding day!

God I hope the dress is pretty. . 'cough'
