Chances are if you are reading this you have have either stumbled across this blog by mistake or via a link you found somewhere floating around on the web.

Either way, you have my deepest sympathy.

This blog was originally set up for my daydreams and a vent for my ability to think about utter rubbish. This mixed with waffling equalled this blog.

Oh and apologies for the awful use of English when I write, no doubt my poor grasp of my mother tongue will be apparent for all to see.

Kisses and Hugs x

Wednesday 18 May 2011

That Friday Feeling. . wait it's Wednesday? (or to Meh and back again by Bilbo Baggins)

Why hello there, been working out? ;)

   Hey all, haven't really wrote on this blog for a while as I have been snowed under with coursework/applications/telling the CIA where Bin Laden was/punching Jesus. .

   But yeh it's week 12 of the 2nd and final semester, rejoice as it's the last teaching week of the academic year for me! win dance?!

No win dance for you oh apathetic one...
    I really wish I was in a song and dance mood and it's weird but i've just gone meh.
Meh is the feeling of 'yeah and? so what?' and 'pffft to that'.
Meh is a creature that lurks deep within the halls of apathy, waiting like a devious little goblin to suddenly strike when all the fun and excitement has been drained from it's victim!


   Simply put, think i've worn myself down due to all the stress from my workload/personal stuff/and trying to get 80%+ fit again. The major signs being i'm now enjoying watching football (kicky football) and playing Fifa. . and everyone that knows me, knows I can't stand


. . .I'm even thinking about playing kickyfootball in the off season before Rugby comes back into my life! (sweet delicate gentle Rugby)

   Now this really isn't a big thing for a 'lads lad' but i'm not a 'lads lad' in the slightest, I thought Torres was a  type of tree! (blog about this issue coming later)

    Seems my way of relaxing is doing things I don't normally do. How do you fight the Meh and get it's claws out of you, I normally go for a run but looking at the weather. .

.... it's a bit meh...

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