Chances are if you are reading this you have have either stumbled across this blog by mistake or via a link you found somewhere floating around on the web.

Either way, you have my deepest sympathy.

This blog was originally set up for my daydreams and a vent for my ability to think about utter rubbish. This mixed with waffling equalled this blog.

Oh and apologies for the awful use of English when I write, no doubt my poor grasp of my mother tongue will be apparent for all to see.

Kisses and Hugs x

Friday 1 April 2011

Colours and Stuff?

After making this blog I fiddled with some basic stuff  in the 'advanced' settings to make it look a touch more appealing to the eye. . the result however is some Facebook-esque monster with a keen eye for terrible fonts.

    Now it has been years since I did my GNVQ ICT stuff so my memory of html coding is hazy at best BUT I shall be making a start on re-learning (is that even a word? hmm spell checker says it's ok. . .but 'ok' isn't)

ANYWAYS if anyone has any tips or hints to make this page a bit more ME-ish then let me know on here or on Facebook as atm i'm guessing (stats shows me) that my main traffic atm is from Facebook with the odd random hit.

...ME-ish means balloons and brightly coloured stuff but not too sickly sweet or cartoony, been a day and i'm bored of this colour scheme AND I don't have any Transformer/Thundercat logos

The shame

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